
Installing Stack

Stack is the build system that we want to use with GHC in this course.

You can find installation instructions for Haskell Stack here.

On Linux and Mac (even the M1 Mac), this seems to be running fine.

If you are on Windows, it probably still runs fine. You can either use the link above, or you can try installing Stack using chocolatey, as described here

After Installing Stack

  1. After you have installed stack, clone this repository to your local machine.
  2. cd over to haskell-code/ and run stack build. This will take a while.
  3. Run stack test.

If the tests above pass, stack is working on your machine. Please go to haskell-code/src/Lecture0.hs and check the code there. Also, check the tests over at haskell-code/test/Spec.hs.


Run stack ghci or stack repl within haskell-code/. This is the REPL (Read-Eval-Print-Loop) environment, which should be an important part of your development cycle.

Try running these commands in GHCi. What do they do?